Bethany House often collaborates with like-minded nonprofits. These partnerships
strengthen our ties to the community and improve the quality of our service work!
strengthen our ties to the community and improve the quality of our service work!
Heritage Christian Services
Bethany House has received daily volunteer groups from Heritage Christian Services since 2010. LHCS provides employment training and experience to individuals with disabilities, and we are glad to be part of that mission. Led by Cindy Simpson, HCS volunteers are critical in the day-to-day administration of the house.
Notre Dame Summer Service Learning Program
Each year, the Notre Dame Center for Social Concerns sends a student to intern at Bethany House for the summer. Over the course of eight weeks, the intern is fully immersed in an environment of structural inequality. She experiences firsthand the hardships endured by marginalized women and the people working to help them.
Our Lady of Mercy
Bethany House welcomes volunteer groups from Our Lady of Mercy School for Young Women every few weeks. Led by Therese Randazzese, they make dinner for guests and perform other odd jobs. Like the two partnerships above, Mercy volunteers are a consistent source of help for us -- we are glad they keep coming back!
Sisters of Saint Joseph
The Sisters of St. Joseph and Bethany House have enjoyed a fruitful partnership since 1996. This has included providing us with board members and volunteers, as well as helping us coordinate our Wednesday services in the chapel.